
Is mobile device management (MDM) turning into enterprise mobility management (EMM)? Given how many SMEs and enterprises are embracing the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) model, it is plausible to think that MDM is transitioning to EMM as part of a comprehensive mobility strategy of a firm to reduce downtime between tasks via remote access of the network.

MDM is now a necessity for businesses, but it’s not a solution. In reality, it is only part of the solution which is EMM, and businesses are realizing that. One of the main realizations has not been that of moving to the BYOD model, but how to ensure security of corporate data and uphold privacy standards.

Outlook of MDM

Security must remain paramount and be established through a set of security policies in-line with the integration of mobile device management systems. One of the common mistake businesses make in moving towards MDM is not updating the existing security policies, despite that they change the workflow in order to accommodate more mobility. That’s when your business is prone to be hit with a hefty fine for noncompliance if things go wrong.

Since MDM is not necessarily the solution (only in a few cases), a business has to realize that MDM is a part of an overall strategy to promote mobility in the workplace. It refers to the management of personal and company devices including laptops, smartphones, tablets, and other smart devices that can be used to access the company network and systems. MDM should allow the IT staff to shut down devices remotely in case they are lost, stolen, or if there is a potential security threat.

Outlook of EMM

As the integration of BYOD models in various workplaces continues to grow, the concern for a growing number of corporate data in personal smartphones and mobile devices is evident. A typical executive-level employee has access to company emails, contact details, internal reports, and more. The fine line between where work life starts and where it ends gets blurry by the day, only increasing the need to have comprehensive EMM policies that promote security, maintain privacy, and provide transparency.

BYOD is quite a simple concept, but its application is what is complex. Management plays a crucial role in adopting EMM strategies that ensure that the convenience of BYOD does not compromise productivity, collaboration, security, and privacy of personal and corporate data. Companies that have existing EMM frameworks must not stop at management and security, but must move towards more collaboration and analytical reporting on BYOD. This allows a business to proactively respond to changes in regulations, the market, and the nature of the workflow, while providing crucial information that can be used to drive decision making.





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